Recent Projects
2024 Knutson Endowment Grants
Emmaus Campus Ministry; Missoula, MT – Young Adult Faith and Climate Summit
Gathering will include youth and young adults across the ELCA and other denominations across the western US and will take place at Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp in Montana. The summit will provide participants a new way of interpreting, relying upon, and speaking about their faith to others when encountering challenges from Climate Change.
Lutheran Campus Ministry of Denton & Denton Wesley Foundation; Denton, TX – Sexual Health Awareness Month Campaign
The campaign includes resource exhibits and discussion groups led by expert facilitators and educators. This will make a space for Christians and non-Christians to learn important sexual health information and discuss how spirituality guides sexual ethics.
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church & Campus Ministry; Los Angeles, CA – Peace Camp: Holding Respectful & Compassionate Conversations across Difference
Peace Camp offers an opportunity for college students to help design and create a curriculum based on peace with justice issues and world events, first having conversation among themselves about these issues. The college students then implement the curriculum plans that they have designed with students in younger grades.
Luther Campus Ministry & LGBTQ+ Office, University of Idaho – SEMLER Performance and Affirming and Reconciling Discussion Group
A solo performance from a musical artist, SEMLER, followed by a discussion event. The intended audiences are students of faith who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as students who are welcoming and affirming of the LGBTQIA+ community in the context of religion.
Past Projects
ELCA Youth Gathering 2018 – God Adores You
(ReconcilingWorks – St. Paul, MN)
Engage and network with youth during the gathering in Houston, TX with an interactive booth and offer handwritten notes of affirmation & Reconciling in Christ resources. Continue outreach and education with youth leaders and their congregations following the gathering.
LuMin (Lutheran Campus Ministry Network) Conference
(LuMin Network – Chicago, IL)
Funds were used to provide experiences for campus ministers to form collegial relationships through the opening and closing worship services, including a professional musician, during the annual conference at Portland State University.
Sexuality, Ability, Race, Gender and Spirituality Series
(Capital University – Columbus, OH)
Series will feature TedX-style conferences, musical performances and art installments for students, faculty, staff and community partners that speak specifically to the intersectionality of spirituality with gender, sexuality, ability and/or race.
ELCA College and University Chaplains
(California Lutheran University-Thousand Oaks, CA)
Provide financial support for ELCA College and University Chaplains during their annual gathering at Carthage College, Kenosha, WI.
Youth Leadership Identity and Health Dialogues
(The Council for Lutheran Campus Ministry in Syracuse-Syracuse, NY)
Program will facilitate dialogue and curriculum based activities on identity and health for children ages 5-18. College students will mentor youth through activities, guest speakers and field trips.
Dive Into Interfaith: Deepening Relationships Between the Religions in Missoula.
(Emmaus Campus Ministry – Missoula, MT)
Project will provide regular opportunities to bring the various religious communities into relationship through dialog and a collaborative service project.
Philandro Castile – Another Good Man
(Peace Lutheran Church – Lauderdale, MN)
A month long series of events and an interview/photography project that focuses on racism and our segregated world.
Recognizing and Remedying Implicit Bias in the College Community
(St. Olaf College – Northfield, MN)
The project will initiate, and build institutional capacity for, implicit bias training to a college administration, staff and faculty.
The Relate Project
(Lutheran Ministries in Higher Education of New York City – New York, NY)
A lecture/workshop in the fall, followed by monthly peer-led conversations over the course of the year will empower college and graduate students to articulate their own values-based relational and sexual ethics.
Transgender Clothing Exchange
(Lutheran Campus Ministry at Penn State – Penn State University)
Support, educational materials and necessary personal items will be provided to the transgender community and transitioning students in a new physical location. Advocacy and community wide education regarding sexual struggles for transgender students.
Traversing the Difficult: A Walk through Regional Installments of (In)equity and (In)justice
(Branigan Cultural Center – New Mexico State University – Las Cruces, NM)
An art and culture exhibit will encourage participants to consider themes of class inequities, gender inequities, human sexuality, religious persecution, racial injustice and other social justice issues.
ELM Resource Project –Continued Funding
(Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries, Chicago, Il)
Providing resources (see 2015 project below) to an expanded audience of Lutheran Campus Ministries and those who may be considering a call into ministry.
ReconcilingWorks Synod Assembly Exhibit Project
(ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans for Full Participation, St. Paul, MN)
Providing resources for the creating and staffing of tables at ELCA Synod Assemblies April-June 2016.
Find Another Word
(ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans for Full Participation, St. Paul, MN)
A program presented at the ELCA National Youth Gathering; focused on putting a stop to bullying of LGBTQ persons. Includes a participatory art program and anti-bullying workshops.
Reconciling Space: an LGBTQ Christian Support Group
(Tyson House Episcopal & Lutheran Student Ministry, Knoxville, TN)
A Christian support group for LGBTQ-identified or questioning persons; room renovation and funding a leadership intern.
Chapel Talks
(Ignite Lutheran Campus Ministry at UK, Lexington, KY)
A series of five panel discussions on issues of critical social, cultural and religious importance.
LGBTQ Leader Resource Project ELM Resource Project
(Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries, Chicago, Il)
Promotion of newly created resources for churches open to LGBTQ leadership that will assist them in understanding and becoming comfortable with LGBTQ rostered leaders, especially first-call candidates.
People on the Move – Faith and Immigration
(University of New Mexico and Central New Mexico Community College)
A series of events to highlight immigration reform from the perspective of people of faith; to include films, dinners and Bible study, an immigration fair, retreats and speakers.
Pluralism in the Public Square: A Prairie Perspective
(Christus Rex Lutheran Campus Center, Grand Forks, ND)
A week-long conference focusing on the exploration of pluralism on the campus of a public university.
Post-YAGM Internship and Renovate Missoula
(Univ. of Montana, Missoula, MT)
Ministry internship experience for a young adult camper returning after a year in the US ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission program.
Promoting LGBT Inclusion in Multicultural Ministry
(ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans for Full Participation, St. Paul, MN)
Plan and execute a conference to be held at Augsburg College, focused on building relationships across ideological and affinity group lines; to equip people working in ethnic specific and multicultural ministry settings with tools to promote LGBTQ inclusion.
SHOUT Retreat
(California State University Monterey Bay, Seaside, CA)
A one-day, off-campus retreat for the LGBTQ student community with a focus on self-awareness and discovery, self-care, family and faith.
Stepping Together
(Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY)
Project to engage college students and members of the HIV/AIDS community in dialogue and education through a series of five “Community Connections Dinners” and two HIV/AIDS Education Prevention Awareness campus events.
Responding Faithfully to a Culture of Fear and Violence
(Lenoir-Rhyne University, Hickory, NC)
A forum to be held in light of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and in anticipation of the 15th anniversary of the Columbine School shooting; for reflection on the culture of fear and violence.
Being Faithful with the Gift: The Christian Stewardship of Sexuality
(Wittenberg University, Springfield, OH)
A two-day conference with the aim to encourage students at Wittenberg to examine the relationship between their own sexuality and their Christian faith traditions.
Proclaim Outreach
(Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries, Chicago, Il)
Outreach project to connect rostered Lutheran leaders and seminarians who identify as LGBTQ with resources available to them.
Advent Devotional Calendar
(Toronto Lutheran Campus Ministry, Toronto, Ontario)
Online Advent devotional calendar featuring an individual or university community doing work toward “rebirth” and “renewal”
Faith Survey and Education Forum
(The Christian Association, Philadelphia, PA)
Campus wide faith attitudes survey at Penn and a semester long educational forum based on survey findings.
Missoula Collaborative Service Project
(Emmaus Campus Ministry, ELCA; Missoula, MT)
Community organizing project to assist faith communities and campus groups to increase collaboration with each other and social service agencies.
Reconciling Works 2012
(Lutherans Concerned/North America, St. Paul, MN)
Plan and execute biennial assembly of Lutherans Concerned and North American RIC Conference.
Youth Network Against Violence Exchange Program
(Lutheran Campus Ministry, Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, IA)
Cultural immersion experience in Nicaragua